till maten med Elin // The Marvels of Food


Everyday cooking

Some dread the daily task of cooking, others love it. Some are indifferent, others passionate. Most enjoys a good meal, some live to create it. I belong to the categories where food and cooking equals happiness! I live to make it, love to eat it, and I can spend hours to create a delightful dish. Amateur of a chef as I may be, I know my way around my groceries, spices, and appliances by which everyday food becomes everyday pleasures. Though I occasionally seek inspiration from recipes, it is my fridge, pantry, and garden that guides my cooking. I rarely have an idea of what to make when I start, but let the savor of a taste, the feel for a vegetable, the texture of a food, or the wish to eat with a particular kind of cutlery direct my creativity.

salento wine & dine

Welcome to my soon-to-be-launched supper club! Here, in our garden, we will share foods and create memories, converse about life and cherish fine moments of wining & dining together.

This will be part of my new venture Salento Creative Garden Events, where we will enjoy cooking workshops, gardening events, luncheons, breakfast feasts and much much more.

I love to cook, embellish the setting, and host people in our house. With Salento Wine & Dine, my wish is to create a space for delightful evenings while making from-garden-to-table foods. We will drink local wines and eat local foods. If preferred, the cooking can be done together, but if not, I will happily make it for us. Whether done for a party of two or twenty, I cannot wait to put my passion and enthusiasm for gardening, cooking, wining, dining, and celebrating life together under the events of Salento Wine & Dine!

Dalla terra mia

This is it, this is the place. The feeling struck like a starlight and I sensed in my entire being that this was it. I had seen nothing but the worn and torn garage door, but my gut told me right from that moment that this was our spot on earth.

Back then and there, in October 10th of 2020, my husband and I were yet to fall in love with the old citrus orchard embellishing the garden, yet to treasure the grand fig tree acting the most beautiful of barriers between the inner garden and the greater farmland, and yet to become aware of the roughly 1 200 square meters of farmland coming with the property.

Here and now, summer of 2024 as we have reached, the renovation of our dream home is completed, and it is time to start with the garden. It is a huge project and we are in no rush. Rather, we look forward to take it slowly, piano piano as the Italians have it. We will do a trial and error sort of growing our food and to let the farmland grow as we live it. One goal is become self-sufficient, another to have loads of fun getting there.